My Time at Lush

So as I have mentioned previously that I was invited into Lush Nottingham to sell my jewellery from Little Teacup.  After giving my amazing mumzee breakfast in bed along with her prezzies I got ready for a day at lush. 

Little Teacup
Little Teacup

Little Teacup

I managed to sell about 18 pieces so I was very happy. 
I have also been invited back for a perfume party they will be having in the future. Which is very exciting!!

I also woke up to some good news, I've reached 400 followers!!
I'm so grateful to all of you that read my blog I really appreciate it! It means so much to me that so many of you are reading what little old me writes.

Chelsea Jade

p.s) I have also been considering moving to a new blog that I was going to call "Chelsea Jade". I just picked 'Lets put our hearts together' randomly and it's such a long URL, rather than just change the URL I was going to move to a new domain. I was just wondering if anybody else has done this before, I'm worried about losing readers etc. If anybody has switched blogger domains before I would love to hear how it went at the time!


  1. Wow that's amazing! You little entrepreneur you! x

  2. congrats! so awesome :)


  3. I love your jewelry! Do you have an online site, like an etsy or ebay i could purchase some pieces from? They're so beautiful! x

  4. This looks like so much fun! congrats on doing so well AND for reaching 400 followers, eee! xx

  5. loving the jewellery, and your headband is gorgeous!

  6. well done you! blummin' love your jewellery. x

  7. okay i am loving your headpiece! also, your jewelry is great :]

  8. congrats on everything! i lovee your head piece!

  9. I bought the winged dagger necklace from you and wore it yesterday, I had 3 comments on how beautiful and unique it is (one woman stopped me in Sainsbury's whilst I was shopping). Do you keep your blog upto date on where you will be selling as I would love some more pieces.

    Jo xx

    1. Oh I'm glad you like it! Well this blog will have some of the updates but if you have Facebook or Twitter there will be more information on there. I should also be back at lush in a few weeks time :)!/LTeacup


  10. Aw well done you for such a successful day! I saw the pics on FB as I liked your page. Your rings with the charms on are gorgeous, I'm going to purchase one this week.
    Oh and you look amazing in your midi in the post blow hun, you should wear them more often! xx

  11. Oh thank you! I'll keep my eye out for them next week. Have fun in London! xx

  12. you got to sell jewellery i a lush store? that's awesome. and i really like the rings you're selling. xx

  13. Wow, I love how you've decorated the stall. That (and all the lovely jewellery) would definitely catch my eye if I was in Lush!
    :) x

  14. Well done for the jewllery! Oh is so easy to move for a domain. Your old url will direct to your domain name, readers, links...The same if someone already has your old url in their blog roll will direct to your new one without asking or anything. ah another thing I takes about 1 day so don't panic if you don't see the name changing straight away if you have any specific concerns let me know! Happy to help :)

  15. Yaaay, 400 followers! :) aw, your jewellery looks lovely! do you sell online?
    Love the yellow jumper; you look lovely! xo


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