Nottingham Street Style - May

Another installment for you lovelies, sadly there are less images than I had hoped for but deadlines and exams came first. Enjoy!

I love this outfit, a gorgeous velvet skirt with a girls blouse toughened up slightly with the denim.  

An oversized t-shirt dress, buckled boots and a bowler hat, perfect.

 How amazing is this shirt!! I had to snap a photo of this fabulous girl.
This is actually my gorgeous mum. I had to take her photo, looking fabulous on her birthday!

Do you have a favourite?

Chelsea Jade

p.s) Sorry boys, only managed to snap one of you stylish lovelies!


  1. I love these posts of yours! My fave is definitely the oversized t-shirt dress, such a cool silhouette finished off with the boots, hat and necklace!

  2. they all look great but my fave is the white oversized dress with buckled boots and hat simple but gorgeous :)xx

  3. The first three are amazing! As is your lovely mum xo

  4. I love the tshirt dress and the denim jackets

  5. loveee these posts.. so many gorgeous outfits! & isn't your mamma a babe! x

  6. I love the oversized t-shirt dress look, a very cool, laid back style.

  7. Woah Chelsea, for a moment there I was genuinely like "she has a picture of my mum on her blog?". Not even lying, your mum looks exactly like my mum! So scary.x

    1. Haha I'll let my mum know she has a doppelganger! x

  8. I love the girl in the floral shirt & oversized denim too! The yellow dress is gorgeous as well. XO

  9. I love street styles! always inspirational. Your mum is so cute :(

  10. yeah, I love these posts! My favourite (after your gorgeous mum of course) would be the girl in the oversized t-shirt dress! I would never have thought a white one would work but it looks amazing, esp with the boots! I'm going out on lunch to try and get one now!!
    Hope your mum had a great birthday too.
    It's not long until you go to China now is it?? Hope you have an amazing time! xx

    1. It looks amazing doesn't it! Did you end up getting one? And yes I leave on Friday morning! Thankyou :) x

  11. Ooo they all look fabulous! Your mum is gorgeous! x

  12. I love the oversized tee with the boots and bowler and the girl in the crop with the peach maxi skirt, both so simple but stylish :) xx

  13. Love these kind of posts, some great outfit inspiration here! Also it's fine to link me on the As Seen On section on your shop, all goooood!

    Laila x

  14. wow your mum looks amazing. My fav has to be the girl in the oversized tee I totally love her boots xoxo

  15. Hola, he conocido su blog y me gusta mucho, me encanta lo original del blog y la variedad de personas para ver como visten, desde hoy soy seguidora suya, y le invito a conocer mi blog y encantada si se hace seguidora mia. Besitos

  16. Wow, I never see people dressed so nicely where I live aha, so pretty x

  17. They all look great, I looove the first and second ones but my favourite is the girl with the salmon coloured maxi skirt! And your mum looks amazing!

  18. Ohhh I love love love the second one [oversized tee dress] and the last one [maxi + crop combo] love street style posts so inspiring xx

  19. Lots of great outfits here, not sure if I can pick a fave! The oversized t shirt dress is cool though! I actually love street style snaps, I don't think enough bloggers do them!


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