Green Knit Leopard Skirt
Cardigan - Vintage
Tee - Uniqlo
Skirt - Topshop
Boots - ASOSO
Bag - Tiger
This is my "No I don't need help with my photos you creepy man" face,
also known as my "I'm done with this crap" face.
I ventured out with the ol' tripod and remote for these shots and decided to go a little further to a spot I like with lots of cute houses. Imagine living in that house in the background, not likely in London unfortunately.
My tote bag was an impulse buy at Tiger during my most recent visit, I use tote bags a lot for work so I snapped this one up as it was more colourful than others I'd seen thought it would be perfect for clashing with something. I was right, it looks perfect with my ridiculous, grassy cardigan. My sister got me this beauty from a vintage shop for Christmas and I am in love!
As mentioned above, while taking these photo's a man started trying to talk to me. As he passed he asked if I needed any help with my photos, I mean who was I to go out with a tripod, camera and remote to take photos alone! I mean, I've only been doing it for 7 years. But he wasn't to know that of course. Clearly a girl, alone, with camera equipment is in desperate need of help in completing the job she set out to do. He continued walking, as I awkwardly shook my head, and spoke to someone on the phone saying "There's a model right here"- he turned to me and gestured to his phone. Was I supposed to drop everything and tell him my life long ambition was to be a model and to be scouted on a street in Hackney by stranger who felt I was incapable of pressing a button on my remote?
I find it strange when others try to get involved with my photo taking, I actually stopped taking photos alone when I lived in Whitechapel due to it being such a common occurance. I've had cars of guys stop and call out of their window to ask if I needed help, park their car and continue watching me when their offer of help was politely rejected. I've had men give me a card because they're photographers and apparently have a studio 'just around the corner'. That's not to say I haven't had my fair share of comments from women either, some of them have opted to stare as they walk by while others have opted for a "naaaaaah is she taking a selfie". But somehow those two seem so much better than someone attempting to 'help' take photos for you.
Chelsea Jade
This green coat is simply perfect, love how you styled it <3