Primark Wellness - Fast Fashion and Sustainability

Over the last few years it seems that the opinion of consumers has changed and that shoppers are wanting to see more sustainable products. Looking particularly at fashion I've seen more and more people wanting to shop more consciously. More people have been praising brands that work to be more environmentally friendly. I'd like to think that this is not just the bubble of people that I interact with and see on my social channels but I was taught that sometimes that's is the case, with the last election outcome I was definitely in a bubble and was outraged by the results - but that's me going off on a tangent. The amount of brands shouting about their work to reduce the negative impact they have on the environment is something we have seen over the last couple of years in particular, I like to think that has a lot to do with Sir David Attenborough highlighting the overuse of plastic but that's be being bias again.

To be honest over the last few years I have wondered about fast fashion companies and their contribution towards a more sustainable and conscious products. I have to say I was quite sceptical, I felt like a lot of these companies saw it as a tick box, something they felt they had to offer in some way rather than actually making meaningful change. My opinion on this is changing, whilst I don’t think a few t-shirts from someone like Missguided is going to make an impact, I am thinking more about buying into the more sustainable options. To buy into the change we want to see. We know this is massively effective, as I’ve mentioned before, a vegan sausage roll from Greggs mixed up the game completely. Consumers did that after the offering was put out there, we bought into it. So I’m thinking a good way to get the message across to brands is to increase their sales on the sustainable collections.

Recently, after seeing Robyn post about a sustainable pop up from Primark I decided to go and check it out for myself on my lunch break (This was pre total corona madness and social distancing). I had a lovely wander around the pop up and was really interested to see the wellness collection, it made me think about the affordability of the range and how not everyone can afford to buy into sustainable clothing. The items in the Wellness collection are made using either organic cotton, recycled materials, or sustainable materials. There are over 70 products in the collection and the whole range is to be available in Wellness Hubs in store. You can find out more about their Primark Cares initiative on their site.

Primark Wellness Collection

So above are the products I purchased on this occasion as I wanted to add to their sustainable sales – I know they still have a long way to go but as I said earlier I’m buying into the change I’d like to see. One thing I liked was the recycled material for the packaging - it made me wish this was used across all of their packaging. The facial cloths are something I've been meaning to pick up somewhere and these were incredibly soft so I wanted to try these with the cleanser. 

Primark Wellness Collection Cleanser

 What are your thoughts on big fashion companies like this making a move into a more sustainable practice?

Chelsea Jade



  1. Great post! It's nice to see companies making changes but I am always so sceptical as it's hard to tell what is genuine and what is greenwashing. I have seen quite a lot of things about Primark's sustainable choices which leaves me feeling hopeful! :)

    1. Thank you! I agree, it really varies from company to company but I'm hoping Primark are making a change for the better.
      Thank you for visiting my blog :) x

  2. Love this Chelsea and that's amazing you were inspired to check it out :) I totally agree about buying into the change you want to see regardless of the brand. It's kind of the same with fast food and vegan options. If we show big companies what we want with our money hopefully they will make more of the same! xx

    1. First of all sorry for the late reply, I had comments sitting waiting to be moderated that I missed!

      Absolutely, the demand for these types of products can only be a positive thing! Hopefully more companies will take more action to produce less clothing and improve their practices.

      Thanks for visiting and your comment <3


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