Fashion - During Lock Down

So in some ways I want to carry on writing blog posts and snapping photos because it's my hobby and it keeps me sane. But then I also feel weird writing about something and not acknowledging the shitty situation that is happening across the globe right now. Going forward there will be some posts that have no mention of what is going on, not because it's not something in the forefront of my mind but because we all need a little escapism or normality in our life to deal with this. And even though it is a big part of life at the moment it isn't the only thing that's happening. It was my boyfriend's birthday during lock down, I'm lucky enough to still be working full time, I have been making jewellery to sell on Etsy, last month I celebrated 12 years with my boyfriend and I have purchased a new pair of shoes because my vans got holes in them. Other things are happening, big and small.

One of the things that is changing is the world of fashion. And while it is scary for those that work in fashion retail (I am one of them) it is also something that really interests me. What impact is the Corona virus going to have on the world of fashion? Short term we are already seeing things happen, factories closing down in China and India, lock downs causing shop/warehouse closures, companies losing money and consumer behaviour changing. In a time of uncertainty there are different ways of reacting to the situation, it seems to me that some people are carrying on with their usual consumption of fast fashion but also I'm seeing others on my social channels taking more care and not ordering new clothing. I myself have stopped buying things online for quite a few weeks, I literally just made a purchase of a pair of converse because my vans have worn through and I need some new shoes for walking. I did feel a little guilty because I know then the warehouse staff are going to be shipping another order that the post staff are going to be delivering another parcel. The companies need the orders and online shopping is being encouraged to some extent. So I don't really know what to do. Then I also think of the smaller businesses who really do need our support with online purchases at the moment, it's their livelihood.
I am loving the Instagram feature at the moment, I've come across so many companies from the story tagging that everyone has been using. Maybe I can compile a list of them over the next few weeks and do a bigger version of my Support Small Businesses posts to share with you :)

These pictures are a small ode to the last purchase I made in a real life shop while in Westfield the week before the the lock down. The dress comes with a slip dress, it buttons all the way down so it can also be worn as a long cover up/kimono style piece so a versatile number for sure. It was £15 from Uniqlo. These photos were taken on the walk that I do for my daily exercise, sometimes I like to do my make up and get dressed properly to make myself feel a bit more like Chelsea.
Chelsea Jade
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