Acknowledging White Privilege and What To Do Next.
So I’ve been quiet on here lately. We all know why, I’m
sure. It’s been a time to reflect and learn.
What happened to Breonna Taylor, George Floyd and Ahmaud
Arbery is tragic. What has been happening for years is tragic. Now it seems
that these names have resulted in so many people waking up to the brutality,
racism and ultimately the inhumanity of the police. I hope. I hope it’s not
another hashtag, I hope this momentum keeps going. I hope that more non-black
people continue learning and waking up to the systemic racism that is in our
society, yes our British society. These things happened in America but as you’ve
read on many placards, the UK is not innocent.
I’ve seen the news, read articles and seen lots of social
media posts throughout my lifetime. I’ve been horrified, I’ve been outraged.
But I do remember the first time I was truly distraught about the horror that
was happening, particularly in America. That was with the heart breaking story
of Sandra Bland. I became a little obsessed and I read article after article, I
searched for her name online and on social media waiting to see some justice.
As you probably know, that didn’t come. You can find a petition for her case tobe reopened here which I ask that you please sign.
It was probably around this time in 2015 that I did some
learning myself. I know I can do lots more. I know I can continue my learning
and turn this into action not just for this moment, because it isn’t a moment
this is a movement. (I don’t know who that quote is from so please let me know
if you do know, I’ve seen it quite a few times lately).
This particular blog post is not something I intend to share
on my social channels. My voice is not as important as those that need to be
heard right now. But I wanted to post this for myself, for me to collate some
of my flagged learning, for me to have a place to come to to pick up the next
part I will work on. The next show I will watch. The next book I will read. It
is also for you lovely people that follow my blog already.
Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter: Ways To Help
75 Things White People Can Do For Racial Justice
Teen Vogue - 11 Thing You Can Do
10 Ted Talks about Race in America
Mental Health Issues Facing the Black Community
Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter: Ways To Help
75 Things White People Can Do For Racial Justice
Teen Vogue - 11 Thing You Can Do
10 Ted Talks about Race in America
Mental Health Issues Facing the Black Community
Useful Instagram Slides:
This of course is not an exhaustive list of resources, this is something for myself and possibly you to refer to when wanting to continue learning. Please take the time yourself to browse some of the websites I linked above. And if you are researching yourself, please listen to black voices! On a final note, DO NOT inbox black people asking what you can do and just google it, they owe you none of their time, they are tired.
Chelsea Jade
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