Second Hand Fashion - Recent Finds

Second Hand Patterned Shorts

If you've followed me for a while, you'll probably be used to me wearing my fair share of charity shop/eBay bargains. I've massively reduced my consumption of fast fashion over the last few years, my latest "haul" on Youtube was a charity shop finds video and it was a year ago that I posted "Less fast fashion more charity shops" video. I regularly share the amazing pieces I find among the outfits I post or on my Instagram stories but I thought a post dedicated to my recent finds would inspire others to consider second hand fashion more.

The monochrome patterned shorts above were a fiver from the lovely Yaffa, we are both part of a Facebook group called "Swap Family" which is for clothing swaps and purchases. I got these cute Zara shorts for a fiver! They're definitely something that I would have purchased from in store. The below daisy print culottes were also from Yaffa. The culottes are elasticated, I'm still working from home full time so I really need comfy clothes for my 7 hours sat at a desk, so they're perfect!

Second Hand Daisy Culottes

So the clothes swap group has been great but I get second hand clothes from a few different places. I do a lot of browsing in charity shops as I really enjoy it. If I'm looking for something specific I will browse eBay and Depop. I love vintage clothes and so I tend to find more of wardrobe staples in vintage shops, though I know these can be a little more pricey so not an option for everyone. If you love vintage clothes but don't want the price tag, you can find some pieces in charity shops but I would say to keep a look out for a local Vintage Kilo sale or in London I've been to a fair few £1 sales which is great if you don't mind rummaging. I personally love a good rummage! The pieces below are from charity shops:

Second Hand Check Shorts

I shared these shorts in an Instagram story recently because I had a similar pair in my ASOS saved items for £35 and found these in a charity shop for just £5! They are originally from Zara and are quite a thick material, I'm very impressed with the quality and they seem like they've hardly been worn. Most of my shorts are quite old now and are too small for me so I've been looking to invest in some new bits that actually fit me. I view this as a victory, I saved £30 as I intended on buying the ASOS shorts. Winning.

Second Hand Blue Culottes

Oxfam Fast Fashion Fact

Second Hand Zebra Knit

Second Hand Pink Coat

The blue spotty culottes were just £4, originally from Miss Selfridge. I found them in a charity shop this month along with these two pretty pieces! The knit was brand new with tags, originally from M&S and I bagged it for £3.50 which is amazing. I think it is actually my favourite piece from this little haul to be honest. The final piece is this pinky salmon colour coat, it was £7. I have a thing for coats as I hate wearing the same colour in winter. I hated wearing the same boring black coat to school and knew I'd have a variety of coats to choose from when I was able to. I have to be honest that I probably have too many coats so I'm going to have a look which coats I could donate in place of this one. 

As most of us know the amount of new clothing purchased, particularly fast fashion, is not sustainable. The big fashion companies aren't really doing much to make a change apart from dabbling in a bit of greenwashing, so as consumers we can change our habits to do our bit. I hope by me sharing some of the amazing things I've managed to find second hand it might encourage you to swap one of you new purchases for something second hand.

Chelsea Jade
Cute thrifted finds - Second Hand Fashion Pin
