Green Cord Suit - Thrifted Find

Guys, I'm totally addicted to Vinted. Now you know I've been a fan of second hand shopping for many years, I love a good vintage shop, a charity shop rummage and eBay has been my app of choice. But Vinted has been such a game changer, I've found so many lovely pieces since I started using the app. My friend Jade suggested I try it out because she had been finding so many gems herself. It's so easy to search for things, lots of filter options and it keeps your recently searched terms.
I recently found this amazing green suit, I'd been looking at suits for a wedding. This probably isn't going to be my wedding outfit because I have summer weddings to attend and this one is a bit heavy and dark for the warmer weather. But I thought I would get a lot of wear out of the set and items separately.
I managed to get this for a grand total of £12.29 including postage! I love the colour and it fits really well. The trousers aren't as high waisted as I would usually go for but only slightly. I've wanted a suit in my wardrobe for a little while now so I think this will get quite a lot of wear out of it!
Do you use Vinted? Or do you have somewhere else that you like to buy second hand?
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